Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

grace of God

Do You Pervert the Grace of God? | Desiring God

Do we tend to treat the Grace of God as a license to sin, since we know He will forgive us when we repent? Does the old adage apply to the Grace of God?:  It is easier to ask forgiveness, than permission.

God forbid!

Do You Pervert the Grace of God? | Desiring God.


Modern Reformation – Faith and Mental Illness

Broken arm, Christian response : go to the emergency room.

Deep depression, Christian response: read Bible and pray more…?

Is that really the answer? We are not just a “soul” living in a body. We are a body and soul unity. Just as The Trinity is one in essence, so are we a body and soul unity. Physical harm to our body can cause feelings of despair and hopelessness if the situation is grave enough. We cannot separate body and soul as if they exist and work independently of each other.  Michael Horton, host of “White Horse Inn” and Professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Seminary, delves into the mystery.

Modern Reformation – Faith and Mental Illness.


Confessing Our Sins Together

Confession of hidden sin in our lives is one of the most difficult things to do. Human nature doesn’t want our dark deeds brought into the light, but ultimately, without confession there is no forgiveness. With forgiveness a huge burden is lifted from your shoulders. With forgiveness comes peaceful sleep. With forgiveness comes new beginnings. But FIRST comes confession.

Confessing Our Sins Together | Desiring God.


Despicable Me: the doctrine of Total Depravity

f you wanted to stop sinning, what part of your being would you employ? Your heart/thinking/will.  But Jeremiah is saying you can’t use your heart to clean your heart. Because it is tainted by the sin too. That is like trying to wipe a spot of gravy off your couch with an oily rag.

Despicable Me: the doctrine of Total Depravity.