Tag Archives: History


A Voice in the Wilderness

My wife asked me a very good question the other day that today I seek to answer through scripture. I love being questioned because it causes me to stop and think instead of just accepting. Scripture exists not just so we would believe, but also to prove…

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Former U.S. Iraq Chief: What Is ‘Imbecilic’ Obama Waiting For? The Time To Destroy ISIS Is Now.

What is Obama waiting for? Will an ISIS attack in America wake him?

Former U.S. Iraq Chief: What Is ‘Imbecilic’ Obama Waiting For? The Time To Destroy ISIS Is Now..

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Terrorist threat – eleven commercial airliners missing close to 9/11 anniversary

Eleven Libyan Airliners missing as anniversary of 911 approaches.

Terrorist threat – eleven commercial airliners missing close to 9/11 anniversary – Cleveland Conservative | Examiner.com.

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President Obama: Short memory with long term consequences

Found a new website with interesting stories from a conservative viewpoint.

Conservatively Speaking | Politics » President Obama: Short memory with long term consequences.

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Godly Purpose

Mark 9:2-13 2 Six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John, and brought them up on a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; 3 and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth can…

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Exonerated North Carolina men freed from prison – CBS News

At one time I was a strong believer in using the death penalty to deter murder.  However, through the years I have come to the position that the death penalty should be put on a moratorium until we can improve our ability to confirm guilt. In fact, I now believe we should not put anyone on death row, unless we have definitive DNA evidence. Anyone convicted of murder WITHOUT the use of DNA should be placed in prison for life without the possibility of parole. Capital punishment should be reserved ONLY for those with DNA evidence. There are just too many people who have been exonerated by the Innocence Project.

There have been 317 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.

• The first DNA exoneration took place in 1989. Exonerations have been won in 38 states; since 2000, there have been 250 exonerations.

• 18 of the 317 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row. Another 16 were charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death.

• The average length of time served by exonerees is 13.5 years. The total number of years served is approximately 4,249.


Exonerated North Carolina men freed from prison – CBS News.

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fort bliss

Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border

Fort Bliss alerted. Isis is operating in Juarez,Mexico just across border from El Plaso.

Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border | National Review Online.

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