
A binary choice question test for Trump’s supporters

Who’s to blame for Trump? His supporters or opponents?

Alas, the blame game for Donald Trump’s loss has already started.

For the last few weeks, some of Trump’s biggest supporters, such as radio and TV talkers Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, have been lashing out at #NeverTrump conservatives for failing to salute their leader and fall behind the deeply flawed nominee.“You own Hillary Clinton,” Hannity said on his radio show yesterday. “National Review, you own it. Glenn Beck, you own it. Ted Cruz, you own it. She wins, I’m blaming all of you.”

I have some questions about that. Call it a binary-choice question test. These are all binary questions, which Trump’s supporters should love since they like to throw the “binary choice” of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as their sledgehammer against Republicans reluctant to support Trump.

There are only two answers to these questions: “Donald Trump” or “Never Trump.”

Here we go. (Please note this list is not chronological or conclusive.)

  • Who publicly and repeatedly demanded Barack Obama produce his birth certificate during Obama’s first term, encouraging the outlandish “birther” conspiracy theory that tarred Republicans for years?
  • Who said of Sen. John McCain, R-Texas (F, 34%) “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured? I like people who weren’t captured.”
  • Who mocked a disabled reporter at another rally before thousands of people?
  • Who tweeted, and deleted, a tweet that asked, “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”
  • Who said, after Fox anchor Megyn Kelly challenged him at a debate over his previous comments towards women, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her… wherever.”
  • Who directed people to read a National Enquirer smear against Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) and his family saying the tabloid was “right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others….”
  • Who accused Ted Cruz’s father of being linked to the JFK assassin?
  • Who would not immediately disavow David Duke in a televised interview?
  • Who said that a U.S. judge was unfit to hear his case because the judge’s parents were born in Mexico?
  • Who publicly asked Russian hackers to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails and make them public through the press?
  • Who spent days attacking the integrity of a Gold Star family because they opposed his candidacy?
  • Who insisted President Obama “the founder of ISIS,” even after sympathetic Republicans tried to offer a better explanation, that Obama’s actions only created space for ISIS to rise?
  • Who gave the suggestion of a death threat against Clinton by saying that if she wins, “she gets to pick her judges. Nothing you can do, folks. Although, Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”
  • Whose callous and grossly political reaction to the death of an NBA’s player’s cousin was a tweet that read: “Dwyane Wade’s cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!”
  • Who has only 88 field offices open, compared to Clinton’s 291?
  • Who is on their third campaign manager in three months going into the final three months of the election?
  • Who hired a campaign CEO who is best known for running an Alt-Right website and has a controversial past that the press is making mincemeat out of?
  • Who is being crushed by Clinton in raising campaign cash and still appears to have no reliable fundraising operation?
  • Who places surrogates on television who regularly become Twitter joke fodder because of their foolish statements?
  • Who is being outspent by Clinton 10-1 on the airwaves?
  • Who is losing to Clinton in almost all polling in key swing states?

The answers to all these questions, of course, is “Trump.”

He said all these things. He did all these things. He is responsible for all these things.

Collectively, they depict the picture of a reckless, irresponsible, unstable candidate who hasn’t run a legitimate presidential campaign.

So, who is to blame if Trump loses? There are only two choices.

The principled conservatives who objected to this behavior and demanded better of their nominee, or Trump’s spinners who sought to give him political cover at every turn?

I’ll take my chance on that binary choice question any day.

Source: A binary choice question test for Trump’s supporters

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