
Will Ted Cruz ruffle Trump’s feathers with his RNC speech?

“Most wars are not won in a single battle.”

Ted Cruz plans to withhold his endorsement from Trump through the GOP convention this week, saying, “I am where a great many voters are, which is that I am listening and watching and coming to a decision.”

In an interview with Glenn Thrush on Politico’s podcast “Off Message,” Ted Cruz talked Trump, Mike Pence, and details of his 2016 campaign post-mortem.

Cruz even offered a sneak peek of his upcoming prime time speech at the RNC Convention – hint: it won’t really be about Trump.

Politico reports:

Cruz wouldn’t talk specifically about what he plans to say — it’s sure to include a healthy portion of attacks on Hillary Clinton — but he made it clear that his goals extend well beyond getting Trump elected.

“Most wars are not won in a single battle,” said Cruz. “What I’m looking forward to is changing the course this country is on. I don’t know if that happens in this election cycle or not,” he added.

When the conversation moved to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, recently selected as Trump’s vice presidential running-mate, Cruz had only words of praise. “I think very highly of Pence,” he said. “He’s a good man. I think he’s been a good governor. He did a good job in Congress. And so, you know, I certainly congratulate him on being named.”

Such supportive words were not spoken regarding the man on the top of the ticket, however, as Cruz worked through interview. Thrush noted, “there was an unmistakably defiant edge to [Cruz’s] pre-Cleveland mindset, and his criticisms of Trump were veiled but vivid.”

Cruz will take the stage Wednesday night in one of the week’s most anticipated, and most pivotal, moments. In fact, Cruz’s speech is so pivotal that the Trump team has reportedly insisted on reviewing and even potentially re-writing it.

Source: Rut-roh: Will Ted Cruz ruffle Trump’s feathers with his RNC speech?

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