
Black Pastor: 69 Times More Black People Died From Abortion Than Homicide

Black pastor Walter B. Hoye II wants to get on board with the #BlackLivesMatter movement, but it troubles him how the movement ignores the leading cause of death among Black Americans – abortion.

 Hoye, president of the Issues4LifeFoundation, said abortions on Black Americans outnumber the homicides of Black Americans by 69 to 1. Yet, little attention is drawn to ending the genocide of abortion in the Black community.

He uncovered some shocking data by comparing a 2013 report from the Violence Policy Center, which shows that there were 6,217 Black American homicides that year, and national abortion statistics from 2013 showing that there were 429,000 abortions on Black American women.

According to his breakdown of the numbers:

In other words, for every three Black babies born in America, two will be aborted.

The numbers get worse.

In 2013, there were an estimated 429,000 abortions in Black America.

This equates to …

35,750 abortions per month
8,250 abortions per week
1,175 abortions per day
49 abortions per hour

This amounts to 1 Black abortion every 74 seconds.

Hoye placed a lot of the blame on Planned Parenthood and its supporters.

“When you understand Planned Parenthood is subsidized by half a billion taxpayer dollars each year and wholeheartedly supported by both the Democratic Party and Black leadership in high places, you have to conclude that Black American abortions representing 69 times the number of Black American homicides are an entirely intended consequence of legalized abortion,” Hoye said.

Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion group in the U.S., targets black and other minority groups for abortions. One analysis found that it has placed 79 percent of its abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

Many pro-lifers point to Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, as the root of its racial targeting. Sanger was well known in her time for pushing a eugenic philosophy that called for the extermination of people viewed as less fit, including African Americans and the poor.

Sanger once said, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

Today, that eugenic targeting continues to be carried out with our tax dollars at Planned Parenthood. As Hoye pointed out: “Why should our government spend $1,282 for every Black abortion, when that same amount of money could pay for the safe delivery or adoption of healthy children? If abortion is going to be legal, a half a billion dollars would be far better spent helping young Black women to support a child (i.e., feed, clothe, educate, house and inspire a future American president), rather than aborting one.”

Other pro-lifers also have used the Black Lives Matter rallying cry to call for an end to taxpayer funding of the abortion giant and a start to providing real support for pregnant moms and their babies. However, many pro-lifers have faced criticism for drawing attention to the problem.

In February, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore from Wisconsin verbally attacked her pro-life colleague from Wisconsin after he asked her and other African American legislators why they are not standing up for the unborn black babies who are often aborted.

Moore, who is pro-abortion, said she was “infuriated” by pro-lifers who use the phrase “Black Lives Matter” because they are “demeaning women of color” who have abortions.

Yet, even Moore could not avoid mentioning the fact that abortions are disproportionately high in the black community. For example, African American women in New York City have more abortions than lives births.

Abortions in the black community are disproportionately high compared to other racial groups. It is estimated that more than 16 million African-American babies weren’t born because of abortion in the U.S.

Source: Black Pastor: 69 Times More Black People Died From Abortion Than Homicide |

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