
One in 200 Million: Identical Triplet Boys Born, Conceived Without Fertility Drugs

Every baby is a one-of-the-kind human being unlike any other person who has ever been alive, but the Tierney triplets are an extreme rarity.

The Daily Mail reports 10-month-old Roman, Rocco and Rohan Tierney are identical triplets who were conceived naturally against up to one in 200 million odds.

Doctors initially told their mother, Becki-Jo Allen, that the boys probably were not identical. They were born via C-section after 31 weeks in the womb, each weighing a little more than 3 pounds, the report states. They spent several weeks in the intensive care unit of the hospital before coming home, according to the report.

“When they were in the hospital, the doctors said they were non-identical, but since they came home lots of people have said they can’t tell them apart,” their British mother said.

Allen had her boys’ DNA tested recently, and the results show that they are indeed identical. Identical triplets are conceived when the embryo splits twice, and the odds of conceiving identical triplets naturally is between one in 60,000 and one in 200 million, according to the report.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Allen continued. “I hadn’t even thought it might be twins, let alone triplets, and we haven’t got any in the family.”

Though the boys are identical, their mother said their personalities are unique, which makes them easy to tell apart.

“Rohan is the loud one. He’s always shouting,” Allen said. “Rocco is normally quite laid-back, but he can be feisty, too. While Roman is usually complaining that he doesn’t want to share.”

Though the triplets are a lot of work, their mother said they have inspired her to keep pursuing her dream career as a neonatal nurse.

“All the help and medical attention we’ve received has been wonderful,” she said. “I’m just so happy they’re all doing so well now.”

In a culture whose media increasingly is pushing a pro-abortion message, it is refreshing to read reports that highlight the unique value of every human life. The Tierney triplets’ rarity serves as a reminder of how every baby, beginning at conception, is a unique, valuable human being who deserves to be treated that way.

Source: One in 200 Million: Identical Triplet Boys Born, Conceived Without Fertility Drugs |

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