
Today in History: Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty of Murder in Snipping Babies’ Necks in Abortions

For me, as a dad, it is deeply symbolic that the anniversary of the conviction of abortionist Kermit Gosnell falls on May 13, my son’s birthday. David, who, like his sisters, has brought so much light into my life, is a source of inspiration to me and to my wife, who has also dedicated her life to protecting unborn children–and their mothers–from the likes of Gosnell.

 Gosnell is serving three consecutive life sentences for the murders of three babies he deliberately delivered alive and then killed by severing their spinal cords. Prosecutors (as was the Grand Jury that investigated Gosnell) were persuaded there probably hundreds of other similarly executed newborns but Gosnell had destroyed the records.

Karnamaya Mongar died at his abortion clinic in West Philadelphia. She died, according to prosecutors, when Gosnell’s unqualified staff gave her an overdose of Demerol and other pain killers in 2009. But at least one other woman also died following an abortion at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic.

According to the Grand Jury report, “On October 9, 2002, the Professional Underwriters Liability Insurance Company reported to the State Board of Medicine that it had paid a $400,000 settlement to the family of Semika Shaw, the 22-year-old mother of two who died following an abortion procedure at Gosnell’s clinic in March 2000.” More specifically, she “died from infection and sepsis two days after Gosnell perforated her uterus and cervix during an abortion procedure,” according to the report.”

Of all the horrible, horrible testimony we heard at Gosnell’s trial, in some ways the most disturbing came while the jury was considering the verdict. It cam from the lips of Gosnell’s attorney. Jack McMahon said Gosnell could not be convicted of third degree murder in the death of Mrs. Mongar because that requires malice, or “conscious disregard” for her particular life.

McMahon said, “She wasn’t treated any differently than any of the other thousands of other people who went through there.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Two concluding thoughts. First, as NRL News Today wrote extensively, the Abortion Industry insisted Gosnell was an “outlier,” a “renegade.” Instead of taking responsibility (and there was plenty) for Gosnell, the Abortion Establishment tap-danced around the truth, including that it had turned its collective face away from his grisly, lethal behavior.

Instead, they insisted, they’d barely heard of the guy and if “rogue abortion providers” like Gosnell exist, we were told it’s because of “anti-choicers.”

How’s that? We make it uncomfortable for them by “stigmatizing” abortion, meaning some the brightest and the best choose not to rip babies limb from limb.

But Gosnell is not an anomaly, as Planned Parenthood et al. insisted, as we have discussed countless times over the decades. If only he were…

Second, in conjunction with undercover videos taken at various abortion clinics and elsewhere, the publicity–limited as it was in the major media–served as inspiration to pass laws to clean up an industry that talks self-regulation but which does nothing to save desperate women from the likes of Kermit Gosnell.

Naturally, as night follows day, such commonsense, women-protecting requirements are vigorously challenged, such as Texas’ 2013 law. The Supreme Court is considering HB 2 which requires that abortion clinics meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers and that abortionists have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.

Ask yourself, who really looks out for women in crisis pregnancy situations. It is surely not the Abortion Industry and Kermit Gosnell, a man who is far more representative of the trade than the Planned Parenthoods and NARALs and Hillary Clintons would ever admit.

Source: Today in History: Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty of Murder in Snipping Babies’ Necks in Abortions |

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