
Trump the Wolf Removes the Sheepskin

The Donald isn’t waiting for the general election to show us his true colors.

The scam is now complete.

Donald Trump, one of the biggest stars of the reality show era, finally showed his true colors to Republican primary voters after spending months pretending to care about our issues in order to build (his) ratings and forge alliances.

GOP Survivor 2016 is now down to its final two contestants, and what was long clear to some of us is now completely out of the closet.

Trump isn’t one of us. He’s really one of them, and he’s not even trying to hide it anymore.

Listen here to his own campaign manager Paul Manafort – himself the very kind of globalist-lobbyist Trump promised to rid the system of – admitting Trump has just been “projecting an image” to win over Republican primary voters all this time.

You’re not a supporter to Trump, but a sucker. And in Trump World there’s one of you born every minute and, it would seem, in every state. If you voted for Trump (or considered doing so) based on “build a wall” or “kick out the globalists” or “ban Muslims” then congratulations, because that vote would now seem to be worth about as much as a degree from Trump University. See that as worthless.

You’ve been played. You’ve been had. You’ve been punked. You’re the latest mark in a long-running con called Trump.

So just who is the real Donald?

For starters, there is no “real Trump.” There’s simply an egotist with progressive tendencies that he’ll gladly abandon along with anyone who gets in the way of his quest for self-actualization. Whether you’re his (ex) wife, employee, customer, or supporter, you’re there to serve him and his interests.

It is never the other way around. Dare to defy that stipulation and you’re out on your ear faster than you can say “Mr. Trump.”

Because that’s what Washington needs – another feckless old white guy who thinks he’s the center of the universe.

You can always tell what a politician ultimately stands for based on two things: how he/she instinctively reacts when cornered, and what hills they are/aren’t willing to die on. And in recent days, Trump has made it abundantly clear he’s not dying on any of ours.

For example:

  • Higher taxes? Check.
  • More debt? Check.
  • More baby killing? Check.
  • Creepy cross-dressing dudes sharing bathrooms with our daughters? Check.

These are all headlines Trump has generated in just the past few days. All of them documented and linked right here so you can check them out for yourselves.

Maybe Trump is right after all, and he’s not like the typical Republican who has let us down in the past. Unlike them, Trump isn’t waiting until after the primary or after he gets elected to sell us out. He’s doing it at this moment. Before he’s even won the primary.

This is the part when I’m supposed to write “don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Except I don’t have to warn you about who Trump really is, for he’s shamelessly shoving it in your face in the belief that you’re too gullible and/or prideful to turn back now.

Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

Source: Trump the Wolf Removes the Sheepskin

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