city on a hill

A City On a Hill, If You Can Keep It

The history behind Passover and Easter are not just foundational to the Jewish and Christian faiths, but also to the founding of the United States of America.

The history behind the religious observances known as Passover and Easter are not just foundational to the Jewish and Christian faiths, but also to the founding of the United States of America.

To make plain His sovereignty, the God of Israel selects a defrocked member of the Egyptian court, who is now a lowly shepherd because he defied the state and stood up for his fellow Jew, to be His people’s deliverer.

The story of the Passover displays the awesome power of the one, true living God in whose image we are made. Through a series of plagues He inflicts upon the tyrannical kingdom of Egypt and its pagan pantheon, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob demonstrates that He alone is God—and there is no other. That the state is not god, despite Pharaoh’s claims to the contrary, nor are the false idols the state demands the people worship.

To make plain His sovereignty, the God of Israel selects a defrocked member of the Egyptian court, who is now a lowly shepherd because he defied the state and stood up for his fellow Jew, to be His people’s deliverer.

His name is Moses.

Since Pharaoh refuses to obey God’s command to “let my people go” throughout the course of the plagues, God raises the stakes on the stubborn and wicked Egyptian government. After many years of shedding innocent Jewish blood, even decreeing forced abortions to keep the Israelite population down, the oppressive Egyptian regime faces a reckoning. So God sends a plague of death on the first-born sons of Egypt as justice for their mass murder and enslavement of the Jews.

For their own protection, the Jews are instructed to paint their doorposts with the sacrificial blood of a precious lamb, which was an animal that signified innocence. That way, the plague would “pass over” the Jewish families and spare them from the judgment. This is the plague that finally breaks Pharaoh’s will, and he agrees to allow the Israelites to leave.

There is more to the story, but once their “exodus” is complete the Jews are finally free.

However, even a free people need order. So God gives Moses “the law” beginning with the “Ten Commandments.” This is how the Jews will live so that they will be a light to all nations. Modeling the character, holiness, mercy, and justice of God to the rest of the world as His covenant people.

It is from this story the founding generations of this country established what our Declaration of Independence refers to as “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” In fact, the original basis for our civic laws comes right from the law revealed through Moses:

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
Every state Constitution mentions and thanks God for its existence, freedom, or both.

2.  You shall not make idols.
The state is not god. Only God is God. Therefore, the state cannot establish a religion, nor restrict it.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
The name of God is so sacred, we make every elected official swear an oath of integrity and loyalty “so help me God.” A reminder that by betraying your promise to your countrymen, you’re really betraying God.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Days of remembrance (Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians, religious holidays, observances, etc.) are protected and made accessible by law.

5. Honor your father and your mother.
Parents were the ultimate arbiter of how best to raise, educate, and prepare their children to become adults. Only in extreme situations would the state interfere.

6. You shall not murder.
The “unalienable” right to life mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.

7. You shall not commit adultery.
The civil law so revered the sacrament of marriage that it originally criminalized sexual behavior outside of the marriage covenant.

8. You shall not steal.
Private property rights were protected by law.

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Perjury is a crime. We even impeached a president for it.

10. You shall not covet.
You don’t have a “right” to that which you didn’t earn and doesn’t belong to you, but instead have the same opportunity to succeed and fail in our meritocracy as everyone else does.

Then there’s Easter, which is so integral to Christianity there isn’t Christianity without it.

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