
Stop Whining About Islamophobia And Focus On Jihadis

Stop apologizing to Muslims and start telling them to deal with the fact that millions of Muslims across the world support Islamist terrorism.

Even before ISIS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Brussels that broke early Tuesday morning, folks on Twitter, including members of the leftist media, immediately began offering condolences to Muslims, blaming bigotry, and making other ridiculous apologies.


After San Bernardino, Paris, and now Brussels, to name just a few recent cities attacked by the same global terrorist network that shares one religious identity, it’s intellectually dishonest at best and evil-enabling at worst to focus on Islamophobia rather than examine Islamic jihadism for what it is. By Islamophobia, of course, I mean what the Left means when it essentially accuses people of bigotry for expressing valid concerns about radical Islam.

Concern for perpetrators over victims is a hallmark sign of political correctness gone awry. Nothing demonstrates a person’s allegiances better than seeing for whom they offer condolences in the wake of tragedy. In this case, members of the media and Muslims seem to be more worried people will be afraid of them or mock their belief system than interested in dissecting why and how those who embrace said beliefs continue to terrorize parts of the world (it’s not too difficult a question to answer) and, as importantly, how they can be stopped.

There is only one global religion right now that has major sects teaching that eternal bliss will come to those who carry out acts of terrorism. That’s Islam. This doesn’t mean every Muslim is a violent person or is actively planning to commit acts of terrorism, and no one is accusing all Muslims of this. However, when’s the last time an ISIS member was not a self-described Muslim? Indeed, “ISIS supporters cheered the attacks as stalwart expressions of the noble teachings of Islam.”

Ben Shapiro’s classic video neatly explains why radicalism is not a tiny minority of Islam. These poll findings persist, and are a serious, credible reason it is fair to ask the Muslim community to deal with its obvious internal problems that consistently lead to the reprehensible mass murder of innocent people.

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Source: Stop Whining About Islamophobia And Focus On Jihadis

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