
Malkin: Here’s How Unsafe and Screwed Up America’s Visa Programs Are

The shocking findings in a new Department of Homeland Security Inspector’s General report.

Politicians in Washington all promise to “secure the border first.” But the tallest wall in the world is pointless if America allows millions of foreigners to waltz through the front door via a wide variety of visa programs that remain riddled with fraud and incapable of barring national security threats.

In 2002, my book Invasion outlined countless ways our alphabet soup of visa programs has been exploited by criminals, terrorists, and other foreign menaces to our shores.

In 2016, nothing has changed.

The latest Department of Homeland Security Inspector General’s report released this week rather blandly laundry-lists the continued failures to put our country’s sovereignty and safety over the “customer service” mentality of open-borders bureaucrats.

The IG reported:

“After 11 years, USCIS has made little progress in transforming its paper-based processes into an automated immigration benefits processing environment. USCIS now estimates that it will take three more years and an additional $1 billion to automate benefit processing. This delay will prevent USCIS from achieving its workload processing, national security, and customer service goals.”

So the American immigration bureaucracy continues to grant green cards, naturalization approvals, and work benefits to millions of foreigners every year even though its bureaucrats are operating in the 20th century and can’t guarantee our national security.

You’ll love these findings, too:

“Work and fiancé visas were the predominant means that human traffickers used to bring victims into the United States legally. We made this determination based on matching ICE’s human trafficking data against USCIS’ data on visa petitions. Specifically, 17 of 32 known human trafficking cases we identified involved the use of nonimmigrant work visas and fiancé visas; the remaining 15 victims entered the United States illegally or overstayed their visitor visas. In one example, fiancé visas were used to lure human trafficking victims to the United States as part of marriage fraud schemes. The traffickers confiscated the victims’ passports and subjected them to involuntary servitude, forced labor, and/or forced sex.”

That’s right. Thanks to our inability and unwillingness to track and deport visitor visa overstayers, coupled with our inability and unwillingness to effectively police marriage fraud, our immigration bureaucracy is facilitating human trafficking through the front door.

“Family reunification visas also were possibly used to bring victims into the country. From 2005 through 2014, 274 of over 10,500 (3 percent) of the subjects of ICE human trafficking investigations successfully petitioned USCIS to bring family members and fiancés to the United States. Because ICE data included investigations that were still ongoing and did not reflect whether the final conviction resulted in a human trafficking or lesser charge, ICE could not tell us exactly how many of the 274 individual visa petitioners were human traffickers. However, ICE data showed that 18 of the 274 had been arrested for human trafficking related crimes.”

Translation: Chain migration is also likely being exploited to move eve more sex slaves into the country.

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Source: Malkin: Here’s How Unsafe and Screwed Up America’s Visa Programs Are

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