
Ben Carson: Donald Trump “Doesn’t Really Believe” Things He Says, Does That Apply to Abortion?

In a new interview about why he endorsed Donald Trump, former republican presidential candidate Ben Carson made a curious statement — that Trump doesn’t really believe all of the things he says.

From The Hill:

In an interview with The Hill, Carson recalled the process by which he came around to supporting the controversial front-runner, who was once his rival for the GOP nomination.

“I needed to know that he could listen to other people, that he could change his opinions, and that some of the more outlandish things that he’s said, that he didn’t really believe those things,” Carson said.

For pro-life voters, that has been a central question when it comes to Donald Trump. Can pro-life voters really believe Trump means the things he says when he says he is pro-life, opposes abortion and would sign a bill to defund Planned Parenthood — at the same time he repeatedly praises the nation’s biggest abortion business.

But Carson won’t elaborate on the kinds of things Trump says but doesn’t really believe.

When asked which statements Trump might back away from, Carson demurred.

“I’ll let him talk about that because I don’t think it’s fair for me to relay a private conversation,” he said.

Trump’s has taken pro-life positions on abortion but has concerned pro-life voters with his praise for Planned Parenthood. Earlier this month, Trump praised the nation’s biggest abortion conglomerate. Trump dismissed the notion he is not a true conservative because he supports Planned Parenthood, insisting he is “just doing what’s right.”

“Look, Planned Parenthood has done very good work for many, many — for millions of women,” Trump said in a news conference Tuesday night. “And I’ll say it, and I know a lot of the so-called conservatives, they say that’s really … cause I’m a conservative, but I’m a common-sense conservative.”

Trump said he would not fund Planned Parenthood “as long as you have the abortion going on,” but noted the “millions of people — and I’ve had thousands of letters from women — that have been helped.”

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Source: Ben Carson: Donald Trump “Doesn’t Really Believe” Things He Says, Does That Apply to Abortion? |

One Comment

  • Kent says:

    Wow. Just wow. Can you believe that Dr. Ben Carson is really that naive? Sounds like he actually accepted The Donald’s pronouncement that he doesn’t really believe all the things he says. So, according to Carson, a person who will say ANYTHING to get elected, (even when he doesn’t believe it), is a man worthy of endorsement?

    Again, I say…wow.

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