
Doctors Issued DNR Order For Disabled Newborn Baby Without Telling His Parents


A baby named Simon Crosier lived only 88.5 days due to an unwanted Do Not Resuscitate order, but his short life is being honored by a new bill in Missouri called “Simon’s Law.”

 When Simon was born with the genetic disorder Trisomy 18, some doctors labeled him as “incompatible with life.” Unsurprisingly, many mothers of children with the condition are encouraged to have abortions, but Simon’s parents refused.

Even though babies with the condition tend to live less than a year, Simon’s mother Sheryl Crosier said she believes that their lives still should be fought for as hard and long as possible.

The doctors taking care of Simon did not do so. When doctors could not convince Simon’s parents to have an abortion, they labeled him “incompatible with life,” after he was born.

Simon’s Law would protect babies like him. The proposal states that no doctor should withhold “life-sustaining procedures, food, medication, or nutrition, not place any restrictions on life-sustaining procedures without the written permission of at least one parent or legal guardian,” according to the bill on the Missouri House of Representatives page.

Lake Expo reports Simon’s Law was filed on Dec. 21, 2015 and introduced on Feb. 16, 2016 by Missouri State Rep. Bill Kidd.

As previously was reported on LifeNews, Simon’s parents learned about his diagnosis three days after he was born.

“After Simon was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, his care and treatment changed dramatically. We began to hear doctors say ‘Not for Simon’ when aggressive treatment options were considered,” Sheryl said

Sheryl said that medical professionals told them that some parents just do not feed their children when they have this diagnosis. She said that despite their continued statements that they wanted Simon, disabilities and all, the doctors took it upon themselves to stop feeding their son.

They weren’t feeding him. Anytime he fussed they were giving him drops of sucrose,” she stated.

On December 3, Simon’s oxygen saturation levels began to fall. We were told this is the end, nothing could be done,” Simon’s mother wrote, previously.

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Source: Doctors Issued DNR Order For Disabled Newborn Baby Without Telling His Parents |

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