Planned Parenthood Hypocritically Attacks Pregnancy Centers


The nation’s abortion giant accuses pregnancy centers of doing the exact same thing it does: misleading women.

Planned Parenthood might think it’s in good shape in the public eye because President Obama stands ready to veto any bill that would deny them federal funding, but, in fact, Planned Parenthood continues to suffer enormous setbacks. Among these is their public-relations nightmare from a series of undercover videos this summer that continue to have ripple effects, such as Franklin Graham’s announcement he is quitting the Republican Party because the recent $1.1 trillion omnibus bill continued federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

The abortion giant was also recently dealt an historic defeat by the U.S. Senate—a body that has never before voted to defund the abortion giant. The U.S. House of Representatives has launched a select investigative panel to uncover the darkest secrets of the abortion industry. Abortion dealers have admitted that their ideas of how to dump their aborted babies are a PR nightmare. Other coverage of Planned Parenthood’s wanton wasteabetting child rapists, and mammogram misdeeds has done nothing to restore the gleam on Planned Parenthood’s tarnished reputation.

It’s no wonder that a recent poll asking whether women’s health-care funding should be shifted to community health clinics that do not perform abortions showed that a majority favors defunding Planned Parenthood.

Yes, Planned Parenthood has been caught red-handed, time and time again. Their breaches of common decency and of the law have branded them a virus infecting the women’s health-care system. Now with national media attention turning to Planned Parenthood’s ultrasound claims, we see once more how America’s abortion giant pulls the wool over our eyes. The twist takes five steps.

1. It is standard practice to provide an ultrasound as part of prenatal care and before abortions.

We know—and Planned Parenthood admits—that an ultrasound is a routine part of prenatal care. In Texas Medical Providers Performing Abortion Services v. Lakey, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit found that ultrasound is a “routine measure[] in pregnancy medicine today” and “medically necessary.”

Ultrasounds are likewise “often a routine part of medical care before an abortion,” and standard procedure at Planned Parenthood and nearly every other abortion clinic. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently published an article calling pre-abortion ultrasound “routine.”

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Source: Planned Parenthood Hypocritically Attacks Pregnancy Centers

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