I Blame Us, Part 1: The Collapse


Tom Chantry provides insights into the collapse of American Morality in  society.

Most American Christians are currently experiencing cultural whiplash. We thought we lived in the best country on earth, one with a long history of Christian influence, and that we were necessarily better than a lot of other places. Better than atheist Europe, better than pagan Africa, better than Catholic Latin America, and better than the tyrannical Far East. Obviously we’re better than the Islamic Middle East. And Canada, too – everyone knows we’re better than Canada. We’re America. We pledge allegiance to the American flag and to a recently-invented Christian flag right next to each other. Piety and Patriotism are twin brothers in our land. We’re the Christian nation, the home of the free, the defenders of liberty.

Then, in one month’s time, we discover that actually, the constitutional republic our civics classes taught us about simply no longer exists. Instead, a panel of elite lawyers make up the constitution as they go, while an even smaller number of elite bureaucrats set policies according to their whims. Consider:

  1. An American system which has long tolerated and for a while celebrated sexual perversion has now institutionalized the same. Unnatural relations are now sanctified by the name “marriage.” Moreover, citizens are to be required to celebrate the new marriages. Divergence of opinion on an institution only imagined in the last three decades of human history – a recorded history running back at least five thousand years – is now criminal. You may not disagree with the elite lawyers.
  2. The United States has abandoned overnight the decades old policy of non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The idea that these weapons should remain only in the hands of those states which already have them – established states usually not governed by lunatics, and which therefore presumably have self-serving reasons not to use the weapons rashly – is now passé. In the new America, if a lunatic who expresses a desire to wipe entire nations off the map wants to build the weapons with which to do it, who are we to judge?
  3. Conclusive evidence has been unearthed that our nation, which easily leads the world in the practice of slaughtering our own babies, has for decades subsidized an organization which has not only killed 900 healthy babies a day for years, but which has profited by that holocaust by selling off baby parts to the highest bidder. The American government is deeply concerned about the manner in which this evidence has been obtained, and is threatening an investigation into the whistle-blowers.

Perhaps what most unifies these three stories is the entire absence of any moral sense in the nation. Defenders of gay marriage speak of the “law of the land” as though legal victory has settled the question. The debate over handing nuclear weapons to Iran has centered around whether or not the State Department had legal authority to conclude the treaty. Planned Parenthood has defended itself by insisting that its actions were legal – as though killing babies to sell their organs is OK as long as you don’t violate any regulations.   We are now dealing with a culture which has no morality. Not a culture that is immoral, which is as old as Adam, but instead a culture which cannot recognize the category of “morality.”

What happened?

Continue reading below…

Source: I Blame Us, Part 1: The Collapse | chantrynotes

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