The Fundamentals Personified


Fundamental doctrines are fundamental because they are essential to believe and damnable to deny. They bring conviction and provoke rebellion. They affirm truth and expose error. They are preached by those who love the truth and rejected by those who hate it. Either way they demand a response from everyone who claims faith in Christ.

This series on the fundamentals of the Christian faith has explored how we determine which doctrines are fundamental, and explained these doctrines. We’ve learned that fundamental Christian doctrines are only found in God’s Word, expressed clearly in Scripture, essential for salvation, and undeniable. Not surprisingly, the common thread that runs through all fundamental doctrines is that they are summed up in the person and work of Christ. John MacArthur put it this way:

Paul wrote, “No man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11). Christ Himself embodied or established every doctrine that is essential to genuine Christianity. Those who reject any of the cardinal doctrines of the faith worship a christ who is not the Christ of Scripture.

How are the fundamentals of the faith personified in Christ?



Source: The Fundamentals Personified

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