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Liberal Double Standards and Planned Parenthood

Liberals are famous for shaming conservatives for their past associations with questionable characters, while they exempt themselves from the same standards. What a shocker!

Every other week, a liberal Twitter troll cites a Republican politician’s innocent appearance at some long-forgotten political event with the likes of a Ku Klux Klan member, hoping to besmirch his reputation. Better yet, sometimes one of them will post a black-and-white photo of such an appearance, as if it’s a smoking gun that will end the hapless Republican’s career.

It shouldn’t surprise you that liberals had no problem with Sen. Robert Byrd’s despicable association with the KKK. A typical liberal defender would say: “Oh, my gosh! This man was a pillar of progressivism. He cared deeply for people. He was the conscience of the Senate.”

How about Sen. Ted Kennedy? Liberals couldn’t have cared less that any other person would have been charged with manslaughter for his role in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick. Their attitude was: “Why, he is the ‘Lion of the Senate.’ No one cares more about the poor than he does.”

President Bill Clinton? As the most powerful man on the planet, he sexually harassed a young female intern in the White House, directly lied about it to the American people and committed felony perjury, for starters. Yet liberals still regard him as a man of unsurpassed class and virtue.

The Rev. Al Sharpton? The examples are endless.

Why do you suppose that is?

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Source: Liberal Double Standards and Planned Parenthood | Human Events

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