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The Joy of Living in Jesus’s Shadow

Many of us wake up wanting to be someone we’re not.

We’re bombarded with opportunities to be a better me. Diets and workouts for weight loss. Websites and books for better dating. Apps for better productivity. Degrees and conferences and workshops to get a better job and more pay. Do-it-yourself videos for home improvement. There’s no wonder we live with a constant restlessness that there’s more to do, more to have, and more to become.

It’s like we’re watching our own biopic on Netflix and terrified we’ll get bored.

Many of us spend much of our lives aspiring to be more than what we are. More money, more exercise, more job satisfaction, more followers on social media, more children. And that means we’re often left looking for someone else as the goal or standard — the person with more than us. We want to be them. We may not say it that way, or even consciously think about it that way. But we’ll spend our time and energy striving to become that better, more respected, more loved me.

And that desire in us can make it hard to watch others, even other Christians, continue to succeed or acquire more than us.

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Source: The Joy of Living in Jesus’s Shadow | Desiring God

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