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Ben Carson & Donald Trump’s PC Culture Practices

Ben Carson’s response to the howls of the PC left is the right one: He’s not outraged by the outrage; The outrage bores him. No response robs critics of their power like boredom.

For the fourth time this week, Ben Carson finds himself embroiled in controversy. This time, he’s in trouble with the Left for declaring that, “the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed.”
Before that, he caught flack for saying that people should rush mass shooters, that the loss of constitutional liberties is “more devastating” than a body with bullet wounds, and that not “every lifestyle is exactly of the same value.”
The list could go on — Carson has been touching off such online tempests for months. Each time, the pattern is the same: Carson expresses his opinion — typically grounded in common sense and widely shared by the American people — the media declares that some people are “offended,” and he doubles down, restating his position again and again in the same calm, even tone.

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Source: Ben Carson & Donald Trump’s PC Culture Practices | National Review Online

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