
Hillary Clinton’s Server Denials Are a Pathetic Joke

Every time the State Department pulls out a new fistful of Hillary Clinton e-mails, someone declares that there’s “no smoking gun!”

The very existence of her illicit server means she broke the rules.
Every time the State Department pulls out a new fistful of Hillary Clinton e-mails like Richard Dreyfuss yanking a license plate out of a shark’s belly in Jaws, someone declares that there’s “no smoking gun!” I’ve written before about how shouting “There’s no smoking gun!” is a non-denial denial.
Ask a cop. When a murder suspect immediately exclaims, “You have no indisputable evidence I murdered my boss!” instead of, “I didn’t do it!” it’s a good sign that the suspect thinks he covered his tracks, not that he’s innocent.
Fellas, if your wife asks if you’re having an affair, respond by saying, “You have no proof!” See if she takes that for a denial.
But here’s the thing. There is a smoking gun. In fact, there’s a whole smoking arsenal. The problem is that the standards for what counts as a smoking gun keep changing.
Nearly everything Clinton has said in her defense regarding her secret server has been a lie. Among the minor lies:
her claim that she set up the server so she could use a single device. (She had two.)
Her claim that the State Department was saving her e-mails to staff. (It wasn’t until 2010.)

Her claim that she erased tens of thousands of e-mails because they included, among other things, her e-mail correspondence with her husband. (Bill Clinton doesn’t use e-mail.)

Hillary Clinton said she never solicited e-mail from her lugubrious political hatchet man, Sidney Blumenthal.
The latest e-mails show that she was in near-constant contact with him, encouraging him to keep his various reports coming.
Blumenthal was barred from getting a job at the White House, so Clinton set him up at her charity–cum–super PAC, the Clinton Foundation.

The more important lie: She said she never received or sent classified information. “I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material.”

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Source: Hillary Clinton’s Server Denials Are a Pathetic Joke | National Review Online