
Iran fires upon, seizes U.S. commercial ship, U.S. “monitoring” the situation

“Even though the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, ‘innocent passage’ is applied — ships are authorized to pass through the body of water assuming they abide by all the rules of the sea — because it is an internationally recognized shipping lane.” By firing upon the ship, then, the Iranians are clearly signaling that they hold Barack Obama in contempt, and know that there is no limit to how far they can push him. They took the measure of John Kerry at Lausanne, won their spectacular nuclear concessions from the Obama regime, and now they’re going to rub his face in their aggressiveness, knowing that he will do nothing in response.

Act of war, followed by spinelessness: “Iran seizes commercial ship, U.S. forces respond,” by Jim Sciutto and Jamie Crawford, CNN, April 28, 2015:

Iran Fires Upon US Commercial Ship |Jihad Watch

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