
Ted Cruz wants to know why the hypocritical Obama admin is sitting on Zika funding

Senator Cruz and the entire Texas Congressional delegation are demanding answers.


The Republican Texas congressional delegation is demanding answers from the Obama administration over its failure to use $589 million in available funding to combat the Zika virus.

In a letter to the president, the delegation writes that “On April 6, 2016, your Administration used existing legal authorities to repurpose $589 million of available funds for Zika response activities. However, many news outlets are now reporting that nearly $400 million of this funding remains unspent.”

The Obama administration indeed repurposed $589 million from its administrative budget, including $510 million appropriated to fight Ebola, towards fighting the Zika virus. But a report from earlier this week suggested that the administration has still not spent $385 million of those funds.

The Republican Texas delegation is demanding to know: Exactly how much of the $589 million has been spent by the Obama administration thus far to fight Zika? To what agencies have those funds been allocated? How much of this funding does the Obama administration intend to spend on anti-Zika activities? And when are they going to spend it?

While the Republicans in Congress wait for these answers, President Obama is hypocritically accusing Congress of refusing “to do its job.” “Fighting Zika costs money,” the President said in a press conference Thursday while blasting Republicans for allegedly withholding appropriations to combat the virus.

Congress had considered a $1.1 billion bill last month, but it was Senate Democrats who blocked it, objecting to the bill because it lacked an earmark for funding Planned Parenthood.

So pro-abortion Democrats shut down funding to combat the Zika virus, the Obama administration sits on hundreds of millions of dollars it could be spending to combat Zika, and the President is blaming Republicans for doing nothing?

Source: Ted Cruz wants to know why the hypocritical Obama admin is sitting on Zika funding

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