
New Movie “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer” is a Gripping Tale of Absolute Evil

I still remember the first movie I ever saw in an actual theater. At the age of two, I was entranced by the enormity of the screen and the beauty of the characters as they danced across it—larger than life, and so filled with life.

 As I grew older, I became accustomed to another genre of film—the kind that reveals ugly truths, so that brave-hearted men and women can strive to right the wrongs depicted on the big screen.

Recently I had the opportunity to see a preview of a movie which tells the gripping story of a real-life tragedy that played out near my hometown. Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer dramatizes the criminal investigation and subsequent trial of Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist in West Philadelphia, who operated what the Philadelphia District Attorney called a “House of Horrors.”

Gosnell is currently serving three consecutive life sentences for the murders of three full-term babies. He ended their lives in a ghastly fashion in which he delivered them alive, then “snipped” their spinal cords.

Gosnell was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of female immigrant patient Karnamaya Mongar, who succumbed to an overdose of an anesthetic administered by staff with no medical training.

It should be noted that the grand jury believed that Gosnell was responsible for killing hundreds of late term babies, but they could bring charges in only a handful of cases, because he systematically destroyed so many records.

Long in the works, the filmmakers hope to release the movie next April ; so far, they have yet to find a distributor willing to take the movie on.

Producer Ann McElhinney, who spoke at the 2018 National Right to Life convention, said not one of the potential distributors said it was a bad movie. But one can surmise that Hollywood could be highly skittish about a film in which an abortionist is the villain, based on the industry’s track record of championing pro-abortion politics.

You might think with all the coverage of Gosnell, you “knew” the story. In fact there is much in Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer that even those who followed the case closely will learn about for the first time.

I will offer no spoilers here, but suffice it to say that Gosnell is a riveting film which convincingly portrays the title character and the courageous men and women who worked to bring him to justice.

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But I can reveal the impact of the movie on the dozens of people who attended the screening. They were deeply moved. I have seldom attended a movie in which I heard so many people openly crying.

Of course, the film hit close to home—the theater was located about an hour’s drive from Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society. It is painful to realize that such reckless disregard for innocent human life could occur so close to the Norman Rockwell-style town in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where the movie was screened.

In the end, however, the experience left me with a profound hope: the more people who see “Gosnell,” the more likely people will take positive, decisive action to defend life, wherever and whenever it is threatened, and demand that abortion clinics no longer have free rein to treat women like cattle.

Please consider “liking” Gosnell movie at www.facebook.com/gosnellmovie/ and following it on Twitter. The movie merits a groundswell of support, even before its major release.

It is an example of art exposing evil, but also inspiring the confidence that such evil can be overcome, if only ordinary Americans take the time and the initiative to do what’s right.

LifeNews.com Note: Maria Gallagher is the Legislative Director and Political Action Committee Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and she has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.

Source: LifeNews.com