hillary clinton

Hillary Clinton instantly politicizes Las Vegas dead

The inevitable politicization of the Las Vegas shooting is in full force, with former Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton now leading the charge for more gun control, dancing on the graves of the dead to advance a political agenda.

Following the shooting attack by Stephen Paddock in which at least 50 people were killed and at least 406 injured, Clinton made the NRA the bogeyman, as she fear-mongered about a push to make firearm suppressors easier to obtain.

These tweets are revolting, irrelevant, and completely out of bounds.

They’re also monumentally dishonest.

Clinton is using this horrific attack and claiming it would have been worse — a lie — if the NRA had its way. That’s not showing compassion for the victims of this tragedy.

That’s being a soulless monster.

And thanks to Hillary Clinton, we’re forced to talk about harpies instead of heroes.

Since the Left will inevitably parrot her false narrative, read Sean Davis’ Federalist piece that busts several liberal myths on firearm “silencers.”

More from The Daily Signal video:


Source: Soulless ghoul Hillary Clinton instantly politicizes Las Vegas dead