If We Want to Destroy ISIS, We Can Destroy ISIS

destroy isis

Let’s say it loud and often. If we want to destroy ISIS, we can destroy ISIS. Perhaps I am stating the obvious, but I want to state it anyway. Why? Because I am not hearing it enough.

I’m certainly not hearing it from the White House, where the original goal of destruction is barely mentioned now. President Obama is listless. He’s also petulant, pointing political fingers at Republicans. But he doesn’t have a trace of a coherent policy to destroy ISIS. Not a trace.

This is from Gen. Jack Keane, in his recent congressional testimony: “Having the best security defensive system in America is not sufficient; we must have as good an offense to stop and defeat ISIS. We do not. We are not even close.”

But very few people are talking about destroying ISIS.

Some in the Republican Party and on the campaign trail are saying it, but they’re not saying it enough. Not repeatedly. Not so as to boost the morale of the country.

We need determination. We need to be unflinching. We need to be focused on the goal of destroying ISIS.

We are at war. Our homeland is in danger. Yes, the moratorium on Syrian refugees must be in place. That’s easy. But what’s not easy is coming up with a coherent plan for destroying ISIS and telling America, “We can do this.” That is leadership.

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Source: If We Want to Destroy ISIS, We Can Destroy ISIS | Human Events

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