
Obama Administration granted asylum and residency to 1,519 foreigners with terror ties

Obama serves up cliches and falsehoods as his anti-ISIS strategy

“Of the 1,519 with terrorist associations, 627 provided material support, ‘while under duress,’ to undesignated terrorist groups. Another 189 provided material support, ‘while under duress,’ to designated terrorist groups. Designated terrorist groups are the most dangerous. They are classified as Tier I and Tier II organizations and include groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Nine foreigners granted relief received military-type training, ‘while under duress,’ from terrorist groups; 28 provided voluntary medical care to members of terrorist groups; 37 were qualified aliens who had existing immigration benefits who had ‘provided material support to, solicited funds for, solicited individuals for membership in or received military-type training from Tier III terrorist organizations.’”

How does the Obama Administration know that these men were “under duress” when they did all this? They don’t. They’re just taking the “refugee’s” word for it.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Source: Obama Administration granted asylum and residency to 1,519 foreigners with terror ties