
The Beginning of the End for Donald Trump?

Donald Trump goes from winner to whiner.

It’s too early to declare the end of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but I think we can begin to see how it’s going to happen.

Wednesday night, Trump initiated a kind of mini-meltdown in response to a comment from National Review editor Rich Lowry. On Fox News Channel, Lowry was asked to comment on Trump’s attacks on Carly Fiorina, who has been surging after a strong performance in last week’s debate. Lowry attributed Trump’s counterattacks to the fact that “Carly cut his balls off with the precision of a surgeon.”

Trump, who had previously declared a boycott of Fox for not treating him well enough, was apparently watching it enough to respond.

“Incompetent lost it tonight on . He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!”

Not having any policy advisors—though he promises he will hire the very, very best ones after he’s elected—Trump is not aware that the FCC has no authority over cable television, since it is not broadcast over the airwaves.

He followed with this:

. owes me an apology for allowing clueless pundit to use such foul language on TV. Unheard of!

Which is amusing because anyone who has heard from Trump’s supporters knows that they make frequent references to his gonads as the central case for his candidacy.

And that’s the problem, because Trump’s reaction to criticism and adversity isn’t quite matching up to the representations he has made about his manliness.

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Source: The Beginning of the End for Donald Trump?