
Baby Organ Trafficker Complains That Pro-Lifers Are Making Business Difficult

A new undercover sting video from the Center for Medical Progress shows a fetal organ procurement director complaining about how pro-lifers are making business difficult for baby organ traffickers.

The video features a conversation between a prospective baby organ buyer/researcher and Perrin Larton, the procurement director for Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), a California-based non-profit organ middleman.

In one portion of the video, Larton brags that while President George W. Bush banned federal funding for research on new embryonic stem cell lines, taxpayer-funded research on aborted baby body parts was not banned.

“Now they’re trying to make abortion illegal, and that’s where we get our tissue,” Larton says, noting that they can’t buy and sell aborted baby parts if they’re not allowed to abort babies. “So now you have this whole big thing where you have people in different states who are absolutely making it so difficult. They want transvaginal ultrasounds just because. There’s no medical reason for it.”

Larton, who said they often do transvaginal ultrasounds during abortions as a matter of course, did not acknowledge that there is also no medical reason for elective abortion.

“It’s very difficult to figure out what [the pro-lifers] are trying to do. Now they just want to ban abortion,” she complains.

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Source: Baby Organ Trafficker Complains That Pro-Lifers Are Making Business Difficult