
FBI Looking At Whether Hillary Violated Section 793 of the Espionage Act

A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that by hosting a server in her home — and then by handing it over to a third-party that had no right to it — Hillary may have violated USC 18 793. My arguments can be found here and here and here. I attempted to make them on Bill Maher’s show last week, too, but was received with studied indifference. Today, Fox News suggests that this is exactly what the FBI is investigating:
An FBI “A-team” is leading the “extremely serious” investigation into Hillary Clinton’s server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to “gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” an intelligence source told Fox News.
The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793. Not a good look for a presidential candidate.

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Source: FBI Looking At Whether Hillary Violated Section 793 of the Espionage Act | National Review Online