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I’m Sick Of Your Moral Relativism

Your moral relativism is nauseating in its consequences, annoying in its logical fallacies, and disgusting in its devastating effects on political and cultural debate.

For all their fervor, the center-left media still struggle to condemn Planned Parenthood for selling baby’s aborted organs for profit.  Even as the most recent Center for Media Progress video provides evidence the abortion provider harvested the brain of a live baby. The heart of this struggle seems to be a lack of understanding or a willingness to admit science proves life begins at conception. This leads to a moral relativism about babies that is misguided, confusing, and sad.

What’s The Difference Between Miscarriage And Abortion?

In a recent piece on Vox a woman described how her miscarriage made her question her pro-abortion stance. The piece is personal and worth reading, especially as she describes the way she supports abortion yet grapples with her own loss early in pregnancy: “I felt guilty both for supporting women’s choices to end their pregnancies and for feeling so sad about the end of mine. What made my baby so different from those I was advocating women to be able to ‘terminate’?”

If one is pro-choice, it’s imperative a fetus be a “ball of cells.” Most people of conscience would not passionately defend the right to end the life of a living, breathing baby.

When Does Life Begin?

The torn mother continues:

“Two years later and with a toddler at my feet, I finally feel at peace. I’m at peace with my sadness I felt about my miscarriage–and with my belief that abortion is a fundamental human right. The question, really, comes down to: When does life begin? Is it the moment sperm meets egg? Implantation? The first kick? The first kick that the mom feels? Is it weeks later, when the baby could survive outside the womb? Or weeks after that, when he or she actually does? I’ve decided that I don’t know when life really begins, and that is okay.”

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Source: I’m Sick Of Your Moral Relativism