hillary ticktickboom

Hillary Clinton: The Democratic Party’s ticking time bomb

Editor: This article was penned by a Democrat. It reveals the worry beginning to infect the Democratic nominee race of Hillary Clinton, now to be associated with the meme: Tick-Tick-Boom. You see, it’s not a question of if, but when a scandal will blow up her campaign

So Bernie Sanders is leading in New Hampshire. That cheers me — though not because he’s my ideal candidate, and certainly not because I think he could win in the general election. I’m convinced he would almost certainly lose against all but the loopiest or scariest Republican opponent.

Then why am I — someone almost certain to vote for a Democrat, and hoping to vote for a woman, in 2016 — so pleased by Sanders’ ascent? Because it helps to puncture the aura of inevitability around Hillary Clinton. Yes, she continues to lead in every national poll by a large margin, which is why few formidable opponents have shown an interest in challenging her for the Democratic nomination. That has always been foolish, given the mountain of baggage she and her husband carry around with them everywhere they go. But now it’s become downright irresponsible.

The Democrats desperately need more serious, viable candidates in the race, or at least poised to jump in at a moment’s notice. (And it sure would be great if they were more appealing than Al Gore.) The point wouldn’t be to catch up to her in a mad dash. The point would be to serve as a strong back-up for when the nearly inevitable happens.

What’s the nearly inevitable? The scandal that, sooner or later, is bound to sink Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

This isn’t paranoia, right-wing spin, or baseless panic. It’s a sober assessment of the situation.

Continue reading. It gets better…

Source: Hillary Clinton: The Democratic Party’s ticking time bomb