
Try not to think about the baby

Ruben Navarrete has written a riveting piece for The Daily Beast titled, “I Don’t Know If I’m Pro-Choice After Planned Parenthood Videos.” Navarrete says that he has been pro-choice since his college days 30 years ago. In a rather frank admission, he describes how he came to his position:

I still consider myself pro-choice, as I have for the last 30 years. I staked out this position during my freshmen year in college. Even then, I understood the abortion debate was a tug-of-war between competing rights—those of the mother versus those of an unborn baby. I sided with the mother. And I tried not to think about the baby.

Navarrete goes on to describe how the recent videos have awakened his conscience to the reality of abortion. How had he been able to avoid this reality until now? He explains, “I tried not to think about the baby.”

Really? Continue reading…

Source: Try not to think about the baby | Denny Burk