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Who Will Rescue America?

As we dive deeper into the Presidential campaign season, more and more people seem to be concerned about the future of America. Voices arise from all quarters. Pundits like Jack Jenkins of Think Progress deigns to tell us what GOP candidates “meant” when answering questions about God during the debate.

Erick Erickson of Red State opines that the August doldrums, with the President on vacation and Congress home from DC, leaves a vacuum in news stories, consequently Trump’s problem is he is now stuck on the front page. With news scarcity, tabloid journalism tends to make the story about the candidate instead of his policies. Trump’s front page presence becomes a two-edged sword.

Evangelicals, some of whom are reluctant to delve into politics at all, seem torn between standing idly by as the country seemingly slides into perdition, getting active politically and obscuring the message of The Gospel, and sticking religiously to Preaching the Word in season and out of season. Where is the balance? Douglas Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, explores the implications. 

So, where do we go from here? Can the Federal Government find its way out of the financial debtor’s prison it has erected around coming generations? How important are individual Presidential elections in the long run? Is God really Sovereign over the entire planet? If He is aware of the fallen sparrow, of how much concern is it to Him who will lead the most powerful nation on Earth?

Does God’s sovereignty alleviate us from any responsibility to be “salt and light” to the culture at large? If God “lifts up Kings and takes them down” who can defeat His will? Are we really in control of anything? Why do we vote anyway? Where am I going with this topic?

There ARE answers to all of these questions, but you won’t find them in Tabloid headlines, political opinion columns, Presidential candidate speeches, or Party Platforms.  Unless you are an active member of a Bible believing church, “where iron sharpens iron”, where “wisdom is found in a multitude of counselors”, where people gather to exhort each other to holiness, rather than compare ‘selfies’ and share their favorite Starbucks recipes, then confusion will reign. This “reality TV” culture avoids reality, by focusing on lifestyles, fashions, fads, personal identity, hedonism, and worse. Everything you see…nations, treasures, political causes, freedoms, oppressions, everything will pass. Everything will be destroyed by fire on the last day (2 Peter 3:10).

Salvation will not come from Washington DC. Salvation will come from The Lord. Until He returns, work, for the night is coming.