
Five Ways We Fight for Children

It’s one thing to protest external problems like Planned Parenthood for what it truly is. It’s another to look internally and ask how we can protest with the way we live our lives. Protesting online is easy, but protesting with our lives will demand more of us.

Less than a week ago, a video was released that provided damning evidence that Planned Parenthood was selling the body parts of infant corpses. Christians immediately took to social media calling Planned Parenthood actions “inhumane” and “barbaric.” Many demanded that the government defund the organization and others insisted that they be shut down.

Christians should continue to leverage their influence online to expose the atrocities taking place inside an organization that makes profit by murdering innocents and traffics their body parts under the guise of women’s rights. But that’s not all we should do.

Whether you’re single or married, young or old, we can all do something for the sake of the defenseless unborn and glorious truth of what we believe. What can we do?

1. Love Children

More and more, America is becoming a country that loves children less and less. We see them as a ball-and-chain that slows us down in our pursuit of the American dream. Even in the church, Christian couples get strange looks when they say they want to have a lot of kids. Some will even discourage them. “That will change after you’ve had a kid or two.” This response shouldn’t be.

The Bible is overwhelmingly positive in its language about children. “Children are a heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). When teaching his disciples, Jesus uses an illustration of the joy of a mother delivering her baby (John 16:21). Our words and actions should reflect the heart and values of Scripture. The Bible is the heart and values of God, after all.

All Christians should be known as people who love children because we have been graciously loved by a Father. Our love for and joy in children should be evident and contagious, winsomely put on display for the whole world to witness and, Lord willing, want for themselves.

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Source: Five Ways We Fight for Children | Desiring God