
Rick Perry’s ACTUAL Legacy

When Rick Perry announced his run for office, the emergence of a raft of memes from the rabid left was a foregone conclusion. They despise Rick Perry, just as they despise all of Texas. Because Wendy Davis. Because guns. Because Bush. And because Rick Perry already ran in 2012.


Like the sun rising in the east and setting in a carefully concealed sound stage run by the CIA, the reaction was utterly predictable.

One meme, one graphic, took an early lead as the most shared. If you have any democrat friends on Facebook or follow any on Twitter, you’ve certainly seen it by now. It purports to be a summary of Governor Perry’s legacy in Texas, and is included below.


It will no doubt fail to surprise you to learn that this meme came out during the 2012 election cycle, and is simply being recycled for this go around. (Ha! ReCYCLEd!)

Equally inevitable and likewise as predictably, the leftists newly and again favored jab is full of absurd lies. Nothing fires up a lefty like a lie. Just ask Rachel Dolezal. Now before we get into the itemization, it is important to note that a meme is a powerful thing. Shareable, impact media that people see and are influenced by and remember. Given that, it is not enough to simply tell you about the lies. We must correct the record in kind. To that end, please enjoy the following shareable meme on Rick Perry’s ACTUAL Legacy.

See it below:


Source: Rick Perry’s ACTUAL Legacy | RedState